Collection: Garden & Soil Health

🌿 Worm Tea: Nourish your soil with our premium Worm Tea, a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer our diligent earthworms produce. This organic elixir is brimming with essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms to supercharge plant growth and bolster your garden's vitality.

🌰 Worm Castings: Nature's premium fertilizer, Worm Castings, are a gardener's secret weapon. This dark, crumbly, nutrient-dense vermicompost teems with the organic matter your plants crave. It enriches soil, enhances water retention, and protects plants against pests and diseases.

🥬 Worm Food: A healthy and balanced diet means a whole different thing to worms and other invertebrates than it does to us. For them, rocks and sand can make up a massive portion of their diet as they aid with the digestion of their primary food, which is biodegradable material like compost or food scraps. By providing enough food for worms , arthropods, and other organisms in your soil, you motivate them to increase their population, eat voraciously, and flood your soil with nutrients and healthy biology

🍂 Worm Bedding: Ensure organisms in your soil live in luxury with our Worm Bedding, providing a comfortable and nutrient-rich habitat for worms and other beneficial microorganisms—optimal conditions for your soil to thrive.

These natural, sustainable, eco-friendly products will boost your soil's yield and contribute to a healthier planet.